Nineteen Minutes

Based on Jodi Picoult’s “Nineteen Minutes”, this book is full of dark and disturbing moments, morals, values, and raw honesty. The premise of the book is centered around a shooting at a high school. Working as a teacher myself, our school does many “avoid, deny, defend” / active shooter drills, and always hits me really hard. What if this were to actually happen one day? I couldn’t even imagine what that would feel like…. So I wanted to portray it in an illustration to get it out of my mind and cover this incredibly written novel. I went with dark, cool colors in the classroom to visually represent fear and anxiety. The bright light in the hallway draws the viewers attention to the figure peering in, symbolizing a search light of sorts. I usually think about in movies where prisoners are trying to escape, but search lights keep flooding the yard.

DIMENSIONS: 6 x 9 inches

MEDIUM: Digital


Weather Balloon

