Roe vs Wade

The Roe vs. Wade rules that a pregnant woman, constitutionally, has the liberty to choose to have an abortion without government restriction. This was set in place in 1973. As of May 2, 2022, it was leaked across the nation that this case is being threatened and evaluated for overturning.

My illustration portrays a woman, pink in color for the female gender as a whole rather than identify a single race to out entire peoples, being evaluated by the government. She is fearful and anxious. Peering down at her, holding the future to what her rights may be concerning her own autonomy, are the 9 supreme court justices. The thing is, the act of overturning the Wade vs. Roe case does not ensure that all abortions will be restricted… just the safe ones.

Before women had the right to make that decision for themselves, they performed “back-alley” abortions. One of the more well known ways to perform it, was with a hanger. The saying goes, “when there is a will there is a way”. The illustration shows the figure holding a hanger behind her back away from the justices, hiding it as if it may be her last ditch effort as soon as the scrutinizing eyes turn from her. The terrifying truth behind this is that thousands of women may actual resort to this if necessary. I made the hanger glow to show its foreboding presence in what might be.


MEDIUM: Digital


The Devil's Timeline

